Create at Home
Calling all Art-makers Under Quarantine
Create At Home | Volume 2
"It was very early in the morning, the streets clean and deserted, I was walking to the station."
Franz Kafka, "Give It Up!" – a flash fiction of 130 words
What are the voices around and within you? As days bleed into nights, what stories are simmering, rising to the surface of your mind? All voices, all genres are welcome: fiction, non-fiction, personal essay; first person, third person, and even the rare second person; stream of consciousness, poetry in verse, or embracing formlessness.
The catch: All you have is 500 words. Which stories will you choose to tell?
Send your stories to: newsletter.saf2020@gmail.com
Create at Home | Volume 1
As the silence of our streets slowly set in—join us in taking one step towards art-making in exceptional times. The intent? To transform the constraints of social distancing into paradigms for togetherness. The resolute desire to sustain art as a public endeavour.
The result? A collective rush of blood to the head: one second movies shot on your phones; micro-fictions chronicling the by-lanes of your mind; recipes/pictures/collages of food made for the time being; art prescriptions for insomnia, longing, separation. A ledger of the everyday in times of resilience. For Vol 1: It Might be Time to Watch, we invite one-second video submissions. Four simple rules: each video is no longer than a second, videos must be shot from your phone, they must be a single take, and in landscape mode. You can send one or more videos.